The Completely Incomplete Guide to Working on a Vue.js Project

3 min readJan 23, 2021


for a front-end dev in a complete hurry


Here, I’m writing the bare-bone-basics to understand and start dev work on an already created vue.js project, but the official documentation is really good and covers a dozen fold more stuff. When you get some time, or if some confusion pops up, give some of the sections a read:
or from here:

First, Definitions

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework, it creates all the basic folders and organizes them so that the code is structured and maintainable

Vue CLI is the command line interface that lets us use terminal (or bash shell) commands to create the application, run the application, install plugins, etc. using ‘npm’ (node package manager)

Node.js is the runtime environment that handles all the backend JavaScript code you write and serves the vue application

Packages and JS libraries will help us by providing scripts that we can use to speed up the dev work. These, with their version numbers, are stored in the ‘package.json’ file and sometimes referred to as ‘dependencies’

MVC: the vue.js framework is an MVC framework; ie Model-View-Controller. This means some code files handle the behavior of the component (the model), the others handle the viewable front end UI components (the ‘view’), and others modify the component (the ‘controller’)

What it Looks Like

Here’s a file structure of a new project

Most of the folders are self explanatory, but the ones I want to point out are:

The router: lists all the accessible pages and their URL paths

Views: these are the viewable pages themselves. In here you need to import the components the pages need.

Components: Pages contain components. Each front end object is a component that has a template that models the object, a script that controls some action or some ‘method’ to modify the object, and a style that's basically the css properties

App.vue: basically any code in here is applied globally, ie to the entire app

Assets: usually developers put images or logos or tables of styles here

Creating a Page

When creating a page you need to 1)declare it and create its path in the router folder 2)create the page (pageName.vue) in the views folder 3)make the components it will use in the components folder and tag/list these components inside the pageName.vue in the views folder

Creating a Component

Components can be as small as a title or a container, to as complex as an entire calculator. To create a component, create the componentName.vue in the component folder.

Within the <template></template> tags you can create the tags for divisions or sections. This can be image tags if its a div containing an image, link or header tags if its showing some text, components from external libraries etc. They can have arguments to specify what the div should do.

There are a lot of vue arguments that can be done directly on the tag of the divs (like v-on:click, onload, etc), you can read some of the documentation here

This is a popover component from the At UIKit. This can be directly put as a tag like so within a component or page

If you need the behavior of the component to change, write the JavaScript inside the <script></script> tags.

To change the styling of the component, add the attributes inside the <style></style> tags of its page.

The easiest way to learn the dev process is probably by following someone making a project. And youtube has got you covered!

Here’s an entire setup to deployment video sectioned off into chapters
I would probably watch the chapters 3, 4 and 6.

Overall, vue is pretty good at organizing the files and folders. It can need some getting used to, but eventually it will start becoming intuitive.

Happy developing :)




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